Spotted Cock blocks Where today at the fuckin festival. I went to the festival with my at the time  friend knowing it would be a good place to spot cock blockers at, and I thought I might get lucky and maybe win some money or whatnot. Well this is what happened, it was a crazy ass night, well not really but noticing all the crazy cock blockers was sort of fun. Today the girls were being cock blockers for the most part. God I hate when that happens, but you cant really do anything about it. Maybe im just not the good type or whatever but it doesn’t even matter, why cant they just stop being cock blocks. The first girls I tried to talk to were like we have boyfriends. What the fuck, I didn’t as them if they wanted to have sex, I just said hi whats up to them. That’s so vicious and cruel its very irritating as well. If I could I would have asked them what crawled up their ass that night, but I chose not to. Then after telling me they had boyfriends they sort of walked off, I spat at the girls hair but I missed tooo bad for me. Then my at the time friend tried to hit on some other bitches and they just walked away. Does it get any worse??? Are we seeing a new generation of cock blockers forming? Yes we are, they’re called boyfriends and hot deceived bitches who think they’re too good for you. I’m sorry that I’m not Michael Jordan or some famous actor with a huge dick, but geez, why cant they stop being cock blocks. Then we walked around some more and my at the time friend hit on a 13 yr old girl. That’s so funny considering he read my first cock blocking article and then he went out and hit on a 13 year old girl. How interesting, anyways the final girl I met was sort of cool. There were 3 of the bitches, I walked up to them and say “hey do u remmmeber me” and like a moron she actually she yea. And then she started talking to me. Then a threw out a random story at her, and she walked away to her boyfriend. God damn cock blockers, I cant stand them, what am I to do. Everywhere I go there is a new breed of cock blockers, today’s breed is boyfriends. I cant stand those fuckers, not only do they bitch their girls around but theyres also blocking the girls ass from me. All cock blockers need to be shot, god do I hate cock blockers, I cant stand them, they just completely SUCK.

Why do girls suck? A lot of guys ask themselves this question everyday but are not able to come up with the answer. I however after pondering about it for five straight minutes was easily able to come up with the response. Girls are like dogs, they like to be played with and given attention as if they are fucking dogs. If you don't give them the attention that they want then they wont give you what you want. Sometimes they get tricky however and they try to be difficult by attempting to acquire just more than attention. To these kinds of girls I say FUCK YOU. Girls just suck, they're really trashy, really stupid and always complaining about everything. If your not a pussy whipped boyfriend who is reading this than you would probably agree. Girls should be shot because  they are good for nothing attention craving whores, who completely suck at life. I used to go out to try and meet girls until I realized how pointless this was. I don't need girls in my life because they all suck, and if I did meet a girl it would be the same as buying a new dog. Girls should be treated like dogs, when in doubt always hit them. Girls suck and only bring agony to life. No man should worry about getting a girlfriend, they're like dogs eventually you'll run into one. End of story.